This graphic and blog post from Melissa Parrish, a mobile marketing expert, is helpful in understanding the various phases of launching a mobile marketing campaign. As I read it, I thought about which companies and products I use that are in each phase and whether or not it makes sense for every organization to reach the "connecting online and offline touchpoints" phase. What do you guys think of this approach?
With research and stats pointing to the fact that more and more people are using mobile devices, connecting online and offline touchpoints via these devices should at least be a serious consideration for every organization. Of course as with any marketing or communication tool, the strategy pursued has to make sense for the organization. So, it may not make sense for "every" organization to pursue this tactic; rather, it is more likely a smart tactic for "most."
Nice blog! Mobile marketing in the traditional sense describes marketing on different location. The marketing is generated as a message from a mobile user and continuation of such campaigns solely depend on the desire of user. Thank you...
Mobile Marketing Agency
Mobile marketing is an exciting development that offers new marketing strategies that could replace internet marketing, online marketing and email marketing. It provides a direct and personal contact with customers.
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