I don't know about you, but I thought Caroline's presentation tricks were pretty cool last night! So I looked up the company, Prezi.com and stumbled upon a presentation about Nestle's social media nightmare with Greenpeace (and with their own customers) called the NESTLE KERFUFFLE.
It's based on a U.K. event but is interesting nonetheless and might be helpful for anyone doing the Nestle case analysis. I would warn you not to eat while watching the presentation because Prezi.com + 100 slides gets a little like watching The Perfect Storm after a few minutes!
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3 hours ago
Nice post Cassandra. That's an interesting presentation, but I agree with you about the feeling dizzy thing. I couldn't make it through the whole thing.
But I have seen prezi presentations before and they are definitely a cool alternative to PowerPoint.
I think Prezi is such a cool tool and I really liked Caroline's presentation. One team used it in my Portfolio class last semester for our client America's Promise Alliance - I thought it was a really innovative presentation but the client didn't unfortunately. So I guess if you are going to use it, don't try and use every feature with it or you will have a dizzy audience!
Agreed...very nifty tool, but they overdid it just a tad with this presentation. Not only was it infuriatingly topsy-turvy, but they only wrote a few words per "slide" which made it take FOREVER to get through the entire thing--that's what annoyed me more.
But as for the topic...wow. This speaks true to the very first lesson laid out in Groundswell. Never, ever try to get anything removed, for you will just make a nemesis out of yourself. I mean, not only did it cause people to pay more attention to the controversy, but it sparked Facebook, Twitter and Greenpeace legions alike to act spiteful to Nestle. This was seen in the AdWords ad and the Facebook page. The second lesson here is obviously to never try to infringe upon your followers' comments. Suck it up and welcome everything. This is a fantastic example of how to just bite your tongue and wait for the storm to blow over. I don't really even know how serious this issue was over the whole palm oil thing...but regardless, it seems to be blown WAY out of proportion simply from the seemingly innocuous realm of social media.
Thanks for sharing, Cassandra. I think I'll go buy some chocolate now :)
My group used Prezi in one of our final presentations for the practicum class last semester. It definitely takes a little time to figure out, but you can get the hang of it pretty quickly once you spend some time exploring around. I think my favorite part about Prezi is that it really encourages users to post simple phrases, words, and/or images -- rather than the text-heavy slides that PowerPoint presentations seem to inspire. In a fun and very visual way, Prezi presentations are able to put more emphasis on the gist of what is being said and encourage the presenter to provide most of the information.
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