Download 100s of free fairy-themed books in the latest Stuff Your Kindle Day
How to get free books on Stuff Your Kindle Day. Indie Author Central is
offering free books featuring magical worlds and fairies.
1 hour ago
That's interesting that people are starting to turn to Twitter, but I'm not sure I see it as a substitute. I've had a Twitter account for a year and a half and have amassed all of 54 followers. Unless one of them happened to have an answer to my question, it seems unlikely I'd get a worthwhile response that way. Perhaps I just need to build up my follower base, but right now it seems like asking questions to the Twitterverse is only an alternative to googling for an answer if you're a celebrity type with thousands and thousands of people out there listening to you.
I completely agree with the last post. This may be the wave of the "internet searching" future but there are still many people without strong Twitter accounts who wouldn't get good (if any) answers. As for Google, once they fix the problem, they can promote the ease of accessibility and extensive search capabilities. You also don't need an account if you want to remain anonymous. However, as noted in Groundswell, if Google doesn't listen and fix the problem, customers will look elsewhere - including to Twitter.
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