Sunday, July 11, 2010

Groundswell: Condensed Version

This New York Times article, For Those Facebook Left Behind, provides a solid, condensed overview of today's main social media platforms. In our program, it's easy to forget that many people -- bosses and executives included -- are not only not savvy when it comes to new media, but they downright might not understand it. A lack of knowledge leads to nerves and fear, which can quickly lead to dismissal -- dismissal, that is, of the sheer importance of social media and the positive effect it can have on today's businesses and organizations.

I think this article would be worth printing out and having handy-- if not for you to refer to, but for you to slip someone who may not have been lucky enough to take a social media class. It's definitely written for those more interested in using social media for personal reasons, but it does provide a simple and straightforward framework. If anything, it could be used to help get the social media conversation started...

1 comment:

Professor Pallavi Kumar said...

This is funny! I posted the same article right before you!