According to her interview with Craig Ferguson, Tina Fey stated that she refuses to go on Twitter for two reasons. The first being that she would become too involved in it but the more important reason being that it would give away too much of her humor. I thought the second reason to be particularly interesting. Do comedians lose some of their interest outside of Twitter because they are giving away too much? Maybe that's why I incessantly watch 30 Rock or Baby Mama over and over again. I can get my Tina Fey fix which if she was on Twitter I wouldn't need to watch her actual live stuff. I would just follow her life there.
Is this a smart move or do you think that she should just give in?
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2 hours ago
I think comedians would primarily gain from Twitter, even if some of their posts aren't extremely funny. But I do think its interesting that Tina Fey, who has a writing background steers away from Twitter. I think Fey takes the quality of her work very seriously and wouldn't want to put anything out there that wasn't up to her "funniness" standards.
Although, its not like she's going to run out of funny things to say. I would think that by tweeting she will endear her fans to her even more. They will still watch Baby Mama over and over again but will also want to hear her witty comments about breakfast cereal.
That second reason is pretty lame. Twitter can definitely contribute to a comedian's career. Like every brand, using Twitter can definitely create a relationship with consumers or in this case fans. She's missing out.
Agreed - Conan O'Brien doesn't tweet very often but he has some awesome gems that only strengthen how funny he is. She could gain more support and build her fan base outside her shows.
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