Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt: Call in your twitter updates!

Since the Egypt government has shut down all social media outlets, a new work-around has been established. Google, Twitter and SayAnything have joined forces to create a voice based social media platform. The service gives Egyptians three phone numbers to call and leave a voice message(like a voicemail!), which is then posted on the Internet as a recorded Twitter message. This allows Egyptian protesters the ability to still get their messages out. What will the social media revolution think up next!

Read the full story


Professor Pallavi Kumar said...

This is a great innovation! Interesting also because it underscores the point that technology always evolves and adapts.

slade said...

We talked about this in our political communications class last night. Such a cool idea. It's inspiring to watch companies (so often labeled as evil and profit-driven) put their collective foot down for a good cause.