While we can share text messages in real time via Twitter, beginning tomorrow we will be able to share photos in real time via something called Color. Color is a smartphone app that is being touted as getting people interested in the real world again rather than further immersed in their mobile gadgetry. Specifically, it’s a potential face-to-face conversation starter. For example, with Color you are able to see what photos are being taken by others around you, likely figure out who took that cool photo that just caught your eye, walk up to that person and have a great opening to use to introduce yourself. In terms of the photos (and videos) taken, they are stored in the cloud so are available at any time; there is also no worry about storage limitations. Color uses features of the smartphone such as GPS and compass to recognize and pinpoint your location as specific as within a restaurant for instance. As Bruce Upbin’s blog on forbes.com relates, “if you’re sitting at a table for a while, suddenly the chef’s photos of today’s desserts start flowing through your stream, like a digital dessert cart.” (But then you would be focussed on your gadgetry rather that who you are sharing a meal with at that moment...the opposite of being back in the real world!) Anyway, reminds me a bit of augmented reality...getting real-time information, through photos layered so to speak with what's in your camera view, based on your location.
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