Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Richard Simmons and Air New Zealand Go Viral!

To piggyback on Kate's great Skittles post, Richard Simmons is the newest star in Air New Zealand's Air Safety Video.

It is a different take on what we know of safety presentations on planes and it would absolutely get me to pay attention. Since it was posted on YouTube on Sunday, it has more than 1 million views!


Xavi Viteri said...

I think this is a great PR and marketing move. Getting a celebrity on board to make a viral video is a great idea. Especially if its someone like Richard Simmons who is himself and unique and peculiar brand.

Oksana Kirichenko said...

I don't quite understand why the companies cannot make these videos a little bit smarter (like for example a video where a guy puts Apple iPhone into a blender - funny, but smart). I think if the video is clever it has more chances to be successful.